Monday, August 06, 2012

A sneak preview of my new Faerie Stamps!

Hello everyone,

I guess this is my very first blog post! To be honest, I've been a little bit afraid to commit to blogging on a regular basis. There are always so many things to do with running this business that I keep finding excuses not to take the plunge. The release of a new set of stamp designs seems to be a good place to start. Deep breath... Here I go!

I've seen so many blogs - many of them maintained by my customers - that are beautiful and very polished looking! If any of you have advice for me along the way I would love to hear what you have to say :)

I hope you enjoy this sneak peak! These stamps should be available on my website Designs by Ryn in a bit more than a week from now.
 I'm quite pleased with the texture in Dragonfly Faerie's wings. To me, it looks as if the light is catching them and they are shining.
 Harp Faerie uses the same technique in the wings as Dragonfly Faerie. It worked too well to only use once! I also added little tufts on the wings and a feather - Why not? Faeries don't live within our world's set of rules. I can't wait to make something with this for my musician friends.
 Dancing Faeries was inspired by traditional dance forms in which individuals link arms and celebrate together. I had lots of fun giving them different hair styles. As they are Autumn faeries I made their wings of leaves.
 In Ornament Faerie I was originally going to have her holding a garland of holly leaves and berries to match the wings. No matter what I did I couldn't get the scale to look right so I went through some old sketches and found this ornament that I had planned to use another year. Voila! It worked! She's on her way to decorate a Christmas tree.
 Hugging Faerie just makes me smile and feel warm :) I think this stamp will go wonderfully with some of my snowflake designs from previous years. I imagine them sitting in the snow maybe with a sentiment like, "Sending hugs your way".
 Acorn Faerie is a set of 3 individual stamps. The idea behind this was to have the acorn and oak leaf separate from the main stamp so that they could be used as embellishments. This faerie has just finished removing the top of the acorn to be used as a beret like hat and is giving the nut to her little chipmunk friend.
Dancing Faerie Set is also a set of 3 individual stamps. They are detached copies of the  faeries in the stamp Dancing Faeries. This is for those of you that want the flexibility of placing the faeries where you would like them to be. They go together in different configurations or can stand alone in a scene.

I hope you like the new designs! I look forward to hearing what you think :)
Bye for now,


  1. These designs are fabulous........will certainly be ordering some.
    Would be nice to see some art done with them.
    Keep on blogging
    ( been very bad and not blogged for over a muse has run away, hope she will be back soon
    Mikki B aka inkyfairy

    1. Thanks for checking out my post Mikki B! My muse comes and goes as well. I think that sometimes she needs a vacation to come back inspired ;)

  2. Patti Parrish8/06/2012 2:02 pm

    Really like the faeries Ryn! Love the detail in your designs. Blog when you can and when you have something to actually say. I've read some blogs that people post to every day and I think its really difficult to have something blog-worthy to share every single day. I think the quality of content is more important than the quantity.



    1. Thanks for the advice Patti. That feels more me anyways. I couldn't see myself blogging every day. haha, I don't know if I'm that talkative :)

  3. Hi Ryn...welcome to 'blog land'! These are some awesome fairies! Now if any of you find my muse running around somewhere...Please kick her little behind back this way!!!

    1. hehe, maybe she's out gallivanting with Mikki B's? Thanks for the comment Patricia!

  4. Love the designs Ryn, they are delightful. I'll keep checking Facebook and your website to see when they are available.
    I write my blog posts mostly when I have time, or they are dictated by DT commitments. I don't feel the need to write that often, and only if I have something to show or tell folks.

    Judith xx

    1. Hey Judith, what a relief! I had this idea that I would need to be blogging often and consistently. From the responses that I'm getting blogging seems to be a lot more relaxed than I first thought. Thanks :)

  5. HI Ryn ! As you know I love your faerie designs and am eager to create with them :) I try to post & visit blogs regularily but blogging can take up time, it's best to balance and enjoy ! Hugs, Shirleyx

    1. Thanks Shirley :) I'm so looking forward to seeing what you make with them!

  6. Fabulous post Ryn! It is so great to see your ideas and the reasons behind them! I love the Dragonfly wings faerie - I was just thinking the other day when watching a gorgeous dragonfly - how hard it would be to imitate those wings- so delicate and intricate- and you have! Wonderfully! :)

    1. Hey Cat, SO glad that you feel the Dragonfly Faerie's wings work too :)

  7. Hi Ryn, and welcome to Blogland at last!! If you can find the time, you will find this the most rewarding (and addictive, I warn you!) experience, with lots of friends to make along the way. However, your blog is your own space online, and it's entirely up to you when you update it and what you put on it! Rest assured that your loyal followers will always be pleased when you do update it.

    I have just placed my first order with you after you let us know that your beautiful water droplets were back in stock. I have never seen a stamp anything like this before. Personally I'm not into faeries but I can see how beautifully you have drawn them. I love your moths (also very unusual!) and hope one day to be able to get some of your marine ones. Keep up the good work - fabulous stamps.

    By the way, I love your blog background - really beautiful, and expresses your style very well.


    1. Hello Shoshi, Wow - a wonderful showcase on your blog and a lovely comment on mine all waiting for me today! Many thanks for your thoughts on blogging and for the on going support of my design work :)

      Not everyone is a fan of faeries, I understand. I tend to like mythical creatures in general - as well as all manner of existing animals as well.

      I made the background with Tombow markers and acrylic paint. Thanks for noticing!

  8. Just to let you know, Ryn - I've just done a blog post about you, with links to your site and your blog. Hope this brings you lots of visitors, and also business, hopefully!!


  9. Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog, Ryn, and you are most welcome! It is always a pleasure to showcase artists I appreciate. I hope it brings you lots of contacts!


  10. Hi Ryn, I too have been waiting for the water droplets to come back in stock and have now ordered them. Your designs are so beautiful. Am joining as a new follower, as a fellow Canadian (although living in he UK) I want to support you. Please do not feel you have to blog every day or even every week (I have been blogging for 5 months and tried every day - don't - it's exhausting and also hard to say or show new things) and bloggers will appreciate you for it too! All the very best to you! Crafty hugs, Anne x

    1. Hello Anne, thanks for joining my blog and for your support all the way from the UK :) It's so encouraging to hear that I don't have to blog every second day! Thanks for sharing your experience with me! All the best to you, Ryn.

  11. Hy Ryn, greetings from Northern Ontario and, what beautiful work!!! I'm just stopping by to say how delightful your blog is. Thanks so much for sharing. I have recently found your blog and am now following you, and will visit often. Please stop by my blog and perhaps you would like to follow me also. Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Chris

    1. Hello Chris, thank you for stopping to take a look at my blog :) Just out of curiosity, how did you find me? All the best to you!

  12. Hey Ros, Thanks for taking a moment to leave a note. I can definitely relate to what you wrote about having your own business. I love it as well :) Every little success feels so much bigger because I got myself here.

  13. Hi Ryn
    Just popping in to say 'Hi' and I'm looking forwards to receiving your beautiful stamps. I am a new follower here and will follow via Facebook too.
    Love your stamps, the details are incredible - best wishes with your blog, I have yet to take the plunge myself ;)
    hugs, Mo :0)

  14. Hey Mo, many thanks for supporting me on here and on Facebook :)Hope you enjoy using the stamps! Great pieces on your Flickr account!

  15. Hi Ryn, and thanks for another nice comment. My friend who uses my shredded paper for horse bedding is an avid recycler - they've just completed a very long-term building project (her hubby is a builder) - a barn conversion, and it's got loads of energy saving, sustainable stuff about it lol! So I know my paper will go to a good home. If she didn't use it for horse bedding she'd probably compost it without mixing it with the organic matter first, lol!

    Hope your sorting goes well - it can be very satisfying, I'm finding. Putting things into store is hard, though - we may have to do that for a while after we move in with my parents, because we won't have room, and there are things I definitely don't want to part with.


  16. Thanks for your latest comment, Ryn, and I'm so glad you like my efforts for our silver wedding last year! It was all great fun to do, but the biggest challenge was keeping my hubby out of my ARTHaven while I was doing it lol!!



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