Monday, August 20, 2012

Christmas Cards in August

Hello everyone,

This passed weekend I finally got around to playing with some of my new faerie stamps! I put business on hold and my step mother came over for a "create date". I so needed a day of laughing and creating!

I decided to use Ornament Faerie to create a Christmas card and started with embossing her in black on some iridescent white paper that I have - unfortunately, I don't remember what kind of paper it is. I'll keep my eye open because Tombow markers blend beautifully on it and the iridescence shines through whatever colour you apply! I added colour to the edges and blended in with water. I then added Glossy accents to the holly wings to add some texture.


From there I chose papers that I felt matched well and outlined the borders with Stickles, glitter glue. I also added some Christmas ribbon that I had behind the image to break up the rectangle frames a bit. A technique that Shirley Deatcher does really well!


I used a pair of my Fiskars scissors to cut the bottom edge off the front of the card leaving it a bit shorter than the back cover. I then added a band of gold to the inside so that when the card is closed it shines behind the cut edge. When the card is open it adds a little bit of interest to the inside of the card. I saw my step mother do this - she is a very artistic person who has taught me much along the way - and loved the look of it. I think it ties the front of the card in with the inside to create a unified piece. 

There you have it! She ended up way more traditional looking than I had first thought but I like the end result :)

It was funny timing... Shirley wrote me that night as well to show me a piece that she had made with Ornament Faerie. I guess we were both creating at the same time! I'm posting a photo of her creation. She blogged about it earlier today as well. Shirley's Blog

Thanks for stopping by for a look at what I'm up to :)
All of my stamp designs are available here:


  1. Hi Ryn! I love your version of Ornament Faerie ! The colours on her Holly wings are awesome ! Great idea using Glossy Accents on the wings. I thought about decoupaging them, maybe next time. She is a beauty :) Shirleyx

    1. Thanks for your comment Shirley :) The wings made the card for me. It needed a little something extra and that was it!

  2. Your card is beautiful Ryn, the fairie is just gorgeous. Shirley's card is lovely too. My wonderful water drop stamp arrived safe and sound, thank you so much - it is a brilliant stamp, I love it. Crafty hugs, Anne x

    1. Thanks for leaving a comment Anne! Glad to hear that the stamp arrived safe and sound. Would love to see a pic of anything you create. Bye for now!

  3. Hi Ryn, great to see you have your own blog on which we can enjoy your creations! Lovely new stamps and I already asked Shirley if she can bring some at the event next year!warm greet Miranda

    1. Hello Miranda, Shirley mentioned that to me as well. Made me smile. That's wonderful news! I know you would do a beautiful job with them!

  4. Great card Ryn, I love what you did with her. Shirley's card is fabulous too. It's a small world, as I am on a design team with Miranda as well! Crafters unite, wherever they are I guess.

    Judith xx

  5. Many thanks Judith :) I am learning about how wonderful the internet can be for connecting people so easily. With Blogging and Facebook it really does allow us to keep in touch even from such different areas of the world. I'm loving it :)

  6. Thank you for such a lovely comment on my blog, Ryn, and I'm glad you enjoyed the account of how your card was made! I enjoy doing these step-by-step ones because if I ever want to repeat a technique, I can refer back to it if I've forgotten how to do something, and other people's feedback is helpful, too. I always enjoy reading other people's tutorials, too - there's so much lovely information floating about on the Internet for us to catch and enjoy!



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